Add Rewardful to your website

The final step is to add Rewardful to your website so that we can track visits, leads, and conversions.
These instructions have been prepared for Sticky Speed.

Instructions for Checkout Page

Choose a different setup method
To ensure affiliate links track properly between your website and your Checkout Page, you'll need to install Rewardful on both.
1. Add Rewardful to Checkout Page
  1. Sign in to your Checkout Page dashboard
  2. Open your selected checkout, and navigate to Settings → Tracking pixels.
  3. Copy and paste the Rewardful code snippet below
    <script async src='' data-rewardful='80669a'></script>
  4. Add the code to the textarea provided, and click the Save button.
With this completed, affiliates will be able to send new visitors customers directly to your hosted Checkout Page.
2. Add Rewardful to the rest of your website
To allow affiliates to send traffic to your homepage and other landing pages on your website, copy and paste the Rewardful code snippet below into the <head> tag of every page of your website. It includes the data-domains attribute required to perform cross-domain tracking.
<script async src='' data-rewardful='80669a' data-domains=","></script>
Your website and Checkout Page use different domains, but web browsers can't track cookies across different domains. The data-domains attribute allows Rewardful to ensure that visitors who arrive on your website will be properly attributed to the affiliate when they click through to your Checkout Page.
3. Double-check that the values listed in data-domains are correct!
It should be a comma-separated list of all the domains your websites use, as well as
Click here to learn more about cross-domain tracking with Rewardful.