Add Rewardful to your website

The final step is to add Rewardful to your website so that we can track visits, leads, and conversions.
These instructions have been prepared for Sticky Speed.

Instructions for Pricing Table

Choose a different setup method
Stripe lets you present up to four pricing plans as a customizable table component that can be embedded directly into your website.
Rewardful integrates with Stripe Pricing Tables by passing our unique referral ID to your stripe-pricing-table component via the client-reference-id parameter. Stripe includes this as part of the customer's checkout session, and it's then sent to Rewardful upon a completed checkout.
Step 1: Install JavaScript Snippet
Paste the following JavaScript snippet into the <head> tag:
<script async src='' data-rewardful='80669a'></script>
Ensure that this appears on every page of your application and marketing website.
Step 2: Create a Pricing Table in Stripe
Pricing Tables can be created in your Stripe dashboard. Once you've set up your Pricing Table, Stripe displays a <script> tag that you can use to embed the component in your website. The critical information you need from this code snippet are the pricing-table-id and publishable-key parameters (in the red and blue rectangles below, respectively).
Step 3: Add the Pricing Table to your site
When a visitor arrives at your website via an affiliate link, Rewardful creates a unique referral ID that represents them. By adding the data-rewardful attribute to the Pricing Table component embedded in your website, Rewardful will automatically send this ID along with your customer's checkout request using the client-reference-id attribute.

Here, replace $PRICING_TABLE_ID and $STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY with the actual values for your own Stripe Pricing Table that were noted in step 2.